Elementary school Bright head

Elementary school Bright head

Primary school BRIGHT HEAD in Radovica near Metlika is a tourist attraction worth visiting. Its founding father was Toni Gašperič, a comic of Bela krajina region. It was created with the desire to show visitors Bela Krajina in a different and funny way. Elementary school BRIGHT HEAD is inviting to its benches in the classroom, equipped with old furniture, all those who would like to experience what the teaching was like five decades ago. The lesson lasts 45 minutes. A comrade teacher leads us back into the middle of the 20th century and presents the cultural and natural heritage of Bela krajina in a funny way. Elementary school BRIGHT HEAD is meant for everyone: for adults, who would remember their childhood and young people of all ages, who would see how learnt their ancestors. The lessons are adapted to the age of the student group. At the end of the lesson the ‘students’ get their certificates.
The classroom takes up to 50 students. Andrej Bajuk invites pupils of all ages. “We want to spread the word about this project and really make it alive.” Tourists are invited all days of the week, even at the weekends. It is good to call ‘the headmaster’ Andrej Bajuk in advance.

Osnovna šola Brihtna glava se nahaja na lokaciji Radovica 23.

Lesson for adults

In Radovica, which is located 6 km away from Metlika and where you can get by bigger bus, we came to an interesting idea. In an old and empty school building we have set the classroom, which looks approximately like the ones from the 1950’s in aim to gladly reveal it to you.

Here is where wine school is held. Well, OK. The visitors (could be the members of your group) will during the lesson get to know Bela krajina in a fun and interesting way and all that with a help of a “strict” teacher, who also can punish with a stick or kneeling in a corner. At the end of the lesson, the participants will get the certificates with their names on them as a proof of reached knowledge about our region. Also the behaviour will be graded.

If you like the lesson and want to extend it, there is a family of Ivan Bajuk, located right next to the school, which can in a cosy room make you snacks, lunch or dinner. Of course there’s a wine cellar with excellent wine offer.

Call us. Regarding the details (participants’ list for certificates, we will easily talk about.

School entrance fee:

  • Lesson : 7,00 EUR / person
  • Lesson and lunch : € 8.00 / person

Andrej Bajuk +38631 366 378

Če vas bo čas preživet v Radovici navdušil, ga lahko še podaljšate. V neposredni bližini šole je Turistična kmetija Bajuk, kjer vam družina Ivana Bajuka lahko pripravi malico, kosilo ali večerjo. V njihovi kleti, globoko v zemlji, hranijo svoja odlična vina, ki jih skupaj s pogačo, z veseljem ponudijo v pokušino. Turistična kmetija Bajuk: tel. št. 041 365 054, splet: bajuk.si

Osnovna šola Brihtna glava se nahaja na lokaciji Radovica 23.

Lesson for children

Do you want for your school’s students to get to know Bela krajina in a fun and interesting way? If your answer is yes, than please read til the end.
You should call one of the given telephone numbers and announce the arrival: day, month, exact time and the number of participants. You can come to Radovica even with a bigger bus and you cannot miss the school as it’s the biggest building in the village.
You will get the further details by contacting us. We will be pleased with the visit of your students, also considering that there is no age limit.

School entrance fee: €5/person

  • šolska ura, belokranjska pogača: po dogovoru.

Andrej Bajuk +38631 366 378

Osnovna šola Brihtna glava se nahaja na lokaciji Radovica 23.
